The chkdsk / f command is run from the command line interface that is available on most computers with Windows operating systems. It is often utilized as a task in routine computer maintenance, when a computer freezes up, or if a system crash has occurred.
- Chkdsk / f checks the NTFS and file allocation table (FAT) file systems and then produces an error disk status report. It also quickly repairs disk errors or bad sectors found on volumes on the hard drive.
Run Chkdsk / f by going to the Start menu and selecting "Run." Type "cmd" at the command line prompt and then press Enter. This will bring up the Recovery Console. Next, type "Chkdsk c:/f" and then press Enter. - When volumes on hard drives are repaired, computer disk space is better utilized. Files are also retrieved faster. Running chkdsk / f is one of the fastest ways to check and correct disk errors.
- If the disk is not locked or if files are open, chkdsk / f will not be able to make necessary repairs. Furthermore, it can end up displaying a false report due to files remaining open or the disk not being unlocked. When this happens, a message prompt will give the administrator the opportunity to run the task the next time the computer is started. Options are to check "Y" for yes, or "N" for no. If "Y" is selected, upon restarting the computer, the task will automatically begin.
The disk drive can be locked by typing "Lock C" at the DOS command line. When the process is complete the "Unlock C" should be entered in the DOS command line. Administrator privileges are required to run the chkdsk / f command. - There is a risk of data loss after repairing a disk because the file allocation table has been altered during the process. It is a good idea to back up all data and create a recovery disk before running chkdsk / f. Select "Y" (yes) if a message prompt appears stating that units were lost and giving an option to convert those lost allocation units into files. They will be formatted with the file extension "*.chk."
- Another way of fixing disk errorsThe Check Disk tool scans for disk errors bypassing the command line. This is accomplished by right-clicking on the Start menu on the computer taskbar. Next, select "Explore." Right-click on the "C" disk drive or designated hard drive volume letter and then select "Properties." Go to the Tools tab and click "Check Now" under the Error-Checking section.
An Alternative Method
Read more: What Is Chkdsk F? |